Rickie Byars is one of the most acclaimed and beloved singer-songwriters there is in the genre of inspirational/New Thought music. Through her three decade career as both a solo artist, Music & Arts Director and as Founder /Director of the world-renowned Agape International Choir, Byars’ deeply soulful and heart-felt songs of spiritual renewal, uplift and empower. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the B-hood (including Rickie Byars and Wop Bat Be Doo!) was birthed. This dynamic group of courageous artists continued through the tight restrictions to deliver weekly programs of inspirational music that live-streamed to thousands of people who leaned in week after week to feel some kind of connection during a time of quarantine and despair. Every week the themes of connection, gratitude and joy are planted along with ways to live healthier and more joyful lives.