The Goodness Tour is a non profit organization dedicated to bringing music and art experiences to people facing adversity all over the world. 



Luc Reynaud, Musician;

Benjamin Swatez, Artist;

Jeremiah Alexis, Producer/editor/writer;


A Journey of Resilience, Beauty and Joy in Ukraine and Poland credits:

Directed and Produced by:

Written by: Jeremiah Alexis Verdecias, Benjamin Swatez, Luc Reynaud.

Video Editor, Director of Photography, and Narrator: Jeremiah Alexis Verdecias.

Additional Footage by: Benjamin Swatez, Luc Reynaud, Glen Shackley.

Translations by: Leda Kendig and Tatiana Petrenko.

Additional Music by: Luc and The Lovingtons and Korali.
Project manager: Benjamin Swatez.
Field manager Poland: Luc Reynaud. 
Field manager Ukraine: Benjamin Swatez.


Thank you to The Goodness Tour members on the ground: Azerine DeLuca, Jeremiah Alexis Verdecias, Safiya Reynaud @safiya421, Luc Reynaud and Benjamin Swatez. Thank you to our fiscal sponsor Chad E Cooper Foundation and our awesome Goodness Tour management team: Dana Walden, Chez Payton Leeby and Sharon K. Bucey. Thank you to Craig Williams, Tatiana Petrenko, Anna Zakletska, Bill Rigsby, Peggy Callahan, Lloyd Sutton, Joanie Kreins and Scott Kreins, The Awake Network, Cody Verdecias, Klub Ukraiński w Krakowie – Fundacja Zustricz, SPA/ Salam Lab, Polish Artists Mikolaj Rejs and Jagnagna, Maria Dovgan with the Ukrainian Education Platform AND the entire team of Plato in Lviv, the heroic town’s people of Moshchun, Ukraine, Glen Shackley and our incredible private supporters of The Goodness Tour! A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE COURAGEOUS AND RESILIENT UKRAINIANS WE HAVE BEEN HONORED TO WORK WITH!