Altruism as a Source of Inner Strength
Consider the joy of friendship and watch as His Holiness the Dalai Lama powerfully reflects on his relationship with Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu Hear the Dalai lama’s recommendations for facing difficulties in life and reframing them as opportunities to develop compassion Learn from neuroscientists, Richie Davidson and Tania Singer, about new insights into the benefits of social […]
Resilience and Joy in Our Individual and Shared Stories

Learn how the stories we tell ourselves, personally and collectively, impact our lives, the world we live in, and the joy we experience Understand the importance of self-forgiveness and self-compassion in transcending limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves Discover how coming together to build shared sacred stories can help us see our common humanity beyond […]
Ubuntu: A Essential Key to Healing Our Planet In Crises

Explore the African philosophy of Ubuntu, and how it can deepen our relationships with one another and our planet Reflect on how we can use the current planetary crises that we face as a wakeup call to relearn what it really means to be human Discover the relationship between joy and forgiveness, what forgiveness means […]
The Science of Empathy, Interconnection, and Ubuntu

Dig in to the science and practice of empathy, interconnection and vulnerability and why healthy social connection is essential to our well being Explore the obstacles to pro-sociality at the individual and collective levels, and how we can move beyond these toward a more just and sustainable world Consider that if clinical psychology is going […]
Joy From the Inside-Out: Cultivating Personal Joy as the Basis of Social, Economic, and Cultural Transformation

Hear how Chude’s depression became an opportunity for him to connect with deeper joy and learn about the latest research on human flourishing, happiness and belonging. Reflect on the ideal of the beloved community what it would be like if love were the driving force behind government policies relating to things like healthcare Explore the […]
The Joy of Movement

Understand the differences between self-focused joy, collective joy, and empathic joy — and how these differ from “happiness” Explore how joy is an essential resource for sustainable social change Be led in Kelly’s “Joy Moves,” a series of easy to do researched-based physical movements designed to activate joy in your nervous system, emotions and mind.
Black Joy

Hear Valerie’s vision of Black Joy and the power of a rooted and imaginative positivity on the long road of racial healing Reflect on what it means to wield a wand, rather than a weapon Understand the role of vulnerability in creativity, and the relationship between vulnerability and joy
Healing Self, Healing the World: Joy & Freedom from the Inside-out

Be inspired by Zainab’s incredible life journey and how her misfortunes have led to her fortunes, including becoming an advocate and support for thousands of women impacted by war around the world. Understand how fighting for a cause doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice our well-being; rather cultivating joy and beauty can be acts of […]
The Science of Joy and Happiness

Understand the latest science of happiness and why happy people on average live longer, have stronger immune systems, are more resilient to stress and trauma, are more likely to marry and less likely to divorce, and more. Hear about the Big Joy Science Project and how daily micro acts of Joy can increase your happiness […]
Experiencing Unconditional Joy: A Meditative Approach

Discover “essence love” — an inexhaustible source of joy that is within every one of us, and can be accessed at any time Learn how to move through blockages to joy by examining negative beliefs about ourselves with insightful kindness. Be led in a guided practice of welcoming unconditional joy, and explore how tapping into […]