Event pricing has been extended through end of day.
What you'll learn
Join us for an inspiring, poignant and joy filled program, as we share an energizing and moving performance of “This Little Light of Mine” by the internationally acclaimed Soweto Gospel Choir and come to the culmination of our journey with brave Ukrainians alchemizing violence into resilience, beauty, and joy.
Today’s theme is Ubuntu and Interconnection. As we tap into the reservoir of unconditional joy, it cannot help but be expressed in our relationships and connections with each other.
Peggy Callahan’s sense of fairness (or maybe masochism) has driven her work in film, television, and human rights. Peggy believes in the power of story to create real change on the planet. She was honored to capture the life-changing conversations between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his “mischievous brother” Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The dialogues inspired the film Mission: Joy - Finding Happiness in Troubled Timeswith Peggy as Co-Director and Producer. Peggy and team created the BIG JOY global project with scientists from UCSF, Harvard, and Berkeley. It is available online for free and increases participants' joy as it expands the science of joy. Peggy‘s grown-up job is fighting modern day slavery. She co-founded two international organizations, including Voices4Freedom, that help people come to freedom. Finally. Forever.
Doug Abrams is a multiple New York Times best-selling author, as well as an editor, literary agent, and film producer. He is the founder and president of Idea Architects, a creative book and media agency. He co-wrote The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, which inspired the film MISSION: JOY. Doug also co-authoredThe Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Timeswith Jane Goodall. Books and films he has developed have been credited with convincing then-President Bill Clinton to stop the genocide in Kosovo (The Bridge Betrayed), for launching the modern anti-slavery movement (Disposable People), and for helping to expand a mass incarceration reform movement (Just Mercy, a book and film starring Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx). He has had the privilege of interviewing extraordinary global heroes including Jimmy Carter, the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Bono, Carlos Santana, and Richard Branson.
The Goodness Tour is a non profit organization dedicated to bringing music and art experiences to people facing adversity all over the world. Co-founders:Luc Reynaud, Musician;Benjamin Swatez, Artist;Jeremiah Alexis, Producer/editor/writer;A Journey of Resilience, Beauty and Joy in Ukraine and Poland credits:Directed and Produced by: TheGoodnessTour.org.Written by: Jeremiah Alexis Verdecias, Benjamin Swatez, Luc Reynaud.Video Editor, Director of Photography, and Narrator: Jeremiah Alexis Verdecias.Additional Footage by: Benjamin Swatez, Luc Reynaud, Glen Shackley.Translations by: Leda Kendig and Tatiana Petrenko.Additional Music by: Luc and The Lovingtons and Korali.Project manager: Benjamin Swatez. Field manager Poland: Luc Reynaud. Field manager Ukraine: Benjamin Swatez.Thank you to The Goodness Tour members on the ground: Azerine DeLuca, Jeremiah Alexis Verdecias, Safiya Reynaud @safiya421, Luc Reynaud and Benjamin Swatez. Thank you to our fiscal sponsor Chad E Cooper Foundation and our awesome Goodness Tour management team: Dana Walden, Chez Payton Leeby and Sharon K. Bucey. Thank you to Craig Williams, Tatiana Petrenko, Anna Zakletska, Bill Rigsby, Peggy Callahan, Lloyd Sutton, Joanie Kreins and Scott Kreins, The Awake Network, Cody Verdecias, Klub Ukraiński w Krakowie - Fundacja Zustricz, SPA/ Salam Lab, Polish Artists Mikolaj Rejs and Jagnagna, Maria Dovgan with the Ukrainian Education Platform AND the entire team of Plato in Lviv, the heroic town’s people of Moshchun, Ukraine, Glen Shackley and our incredible private supporters of The Goodness Tour! A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE COURAGEOUS AND RESILIENT UKRAINIANS WE HAVE BEEN HONORED TO WORK WITH!
Soweto Gospel Choir was formed to celebrate the unique and inspirational power of African Gospel music. The choir draws on the best talent from the many churches in and around Soweto. The choir is dedicated to sharing the joy of faith through music with audiences around the world. Soweto Gospel Choir have three Grammy Award-winning albums.
Niclas Kjellström-Matseke is a Swedish-South African business leader with a two-decade career as a marketing-oriented CEO, and international investor in Europe and Africa. He has a special focus on sustainable business, and engaged in the UN’s pioneering work with Sustainable Development Goals, as a Board Member of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Niclas was the CEO of Novamedia Nordics since its start 2005-2015. He is Founding Partner of the New York-based company 17Asset Management. He was a member of The Elders’ advisory board, and in 2013 received the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights – The Ripple of Hope Award for his “dynamic and creative leadership” bringing together the business, political and civic communities.
Dr. Mamphela Ramphele, MD, has had a celebrated career as an activist, medical doctor, academic, businesswoman and political thought leader. Dr. Ramphele was Co-Founder, with Steve Biko, of The Black Consciousness Movement that reignited the struggle for freedom in South Africa. She is Co-Founder of ReimagineSA, Co-President of The Club of Rome, and Chair at the Desmond Tutu IP Trust. She has received numerous national and international awards acknowledging her scholarship and leading role in promoting the empowerment of women, youth, and other oppressed people in South Africa and globally. She is the author of several books and publications on socio-economic issues in South Africa.
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This has been a fantastic experience for me. I am truly blessed. Thank you everyone.
I am so relieved to rediscover that altruism is still alive and well. Hugs to you all!
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who took part in this amazing Global Joy Summit.
Thank you for supporting each other, inspiring hope, joy and happiness through expressions of art, music and dance.
Arseny, your song is beautiful and I’m sure you will create many more songs with your artistic talent.
Many blessings, much love and lots of joy to EVERYONE.
Hi this is Mahesh from Southern part of India, Pls include Tamil language as well which is missing now, that will be helpful for a Tamilian like me in coming events. Thanks and I enjoyed all the events, remarkable.👍
This Global Joy Summit has been a wonderful experience for me, I particularly loved the Goodness Tour’s interactions with the brave and courageous people of the Ukraine and Poland, It brought tears and a sense of celebration for the deep reserves people carry inside themselves.
Blessings to all who have participated in this work.
Muchisimas Gracias por el excelente conocimiento e información, acerca de las oportinidades para aprovechar nuestras Reservas de Alegria. Desde la Empatia y la Bondad es posible¡¡¡
I am deeply happy to have behe blessed people to have participated inn this enrichment program for our humanity. We need many more episodes of this kind of program. Joy and peace need to be natured on our lives, families and the global.
What brings me joy in.my relationship with others is the companionship caraderie with one another.as we spread the words of God in our daily activities.
Benjamin & Luc such gratitude for spreading your joy & sharing it with the brave souls of Ukraine & Poland & to all the amazing souls for creating this awe inspiring JOY & wisdom that you shared in this summit & for showing up my heart can’t thank you enough! Many blessing to all ❤️
I am 82 and single but not alone. I was waiting for such a summit.My sincere gratitude to all of you who made it happen. I am happy and joyful beyond imagination.
We need to overcome the adversity and live our life the most simple way. It’s imperative that we heal ourselves so we can help our family, friends and everybody around us. Tanks a lot for this beautiful experience
আমি ভারতবর্ষের পশ্চিম বঙ্গের অধিবাসী। আমি সদ্য বিরাশি বছরে পদার্পণ করেছি। আমি অবিবাহিত কিন্তু নিঃসঙ্গ না। আমি এরকম একটি সামিটের অপেক্ষায় ছিলাম। আমার আন্তরিক কৃতজ্ঞতা জানাই সংগঠকদের। আমার খুশী ও আনন্দ বর্ণনার অতীত। আমার নাম সুধীন্দ্র লাল বিশ্বাস। শহর কলকাতা।
I just joined now, but im so happy I found this event <3
Im from Denmark and Im creating a community where we practice to live from the heart and fill the day with joyfull moments <3
excellent opportunity to see the positive revealed within so much negative.. we see joy in the midst of a powerful war and so much more .. and I realize then how it is possible fr all of us to find it …
I’ve watched the recordings of most of the three days and now on the fourth. My name is Pam and I’m in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. I am a retired nurse and have sung and danced in amateur theater and my worship communities all my life, 75yrs. I learned the Rumi poem “Dance” yesterday. I love it.
Thank you very much for this wonderful timely Summit of Hope and Joy. Blessings.
Muita emoção durante essa jornada de amor e esperança para vivermos num planeta mais harmonioso e solidário. Aprendi nessa jornada da alegria e da amorosidade, que um sorriso pode salvar pessoas e resgatar à sua humanidade. Estou feliz de estar aqui com vocês e celebrar à vida e o amor ! Gratidão!
Até breve!
The Ukrainian children made flowers from holes made by their enemy. Publish that in Russia.
Inspired by the teachers Revealing the science about holding my own heart with the warmth of my own hands for self compassion.
From the joy of a babies giggle to the last glance coming from The death rattles – the life cycle provided opportunities to engage – now just a little more skillfully.
I’ve learnt joy is even more important than I thought. God bless all the good souls who help silently, restlessly, everywhere, everyday, to bring hope back. They are angels on earth! That guitarrist boy, with his smile and his cry, I can’t forget. A true symbol of resistance. Thank you for this chance to join and learn about joy, love and peace.
Hello, I’m from Latvia, and today we celebrate our country’s 104th birthday. What brings me joy, it’s when I’m able to serve my country, people and family. To now my purpose and to act according to it is another source of my joy. To learn how to make our lives better is the key good I received from the Joy Summit. I give all my best wishes to the organizers and the participants of this event. Good luck or – good joy!))
Hello, I’m from Latvia, and today we celebrate our country’s 104th birthday. What brings me joy, it’s when I’m able to serve my country, people and family. To now my purpose and to act according to it is another source of my joy. To learn how to make our lives better is the key good I received from the Joy Summit. I give all my best wishes to the organizers and the participants of this event. Good luck or – good joy!))
Great intention and need of the hour .Being joyful and purposeful is our real purpose . And our deviation from this root understanding is the cause of sufferings and confusions. This summit is the sunshine and a great thought .
Hermoso Congreso de la alegría para homenajear la verdadera esencia de la vida amor y alegría.Muchas gracias por vuestra generosidad de recordarnos que la alegría siempre está presente junto a la tristeza.Un abrazo enorme y alegre de una cubana que vive en Galicia, España.
As a 75 year old woman, studying Buddhism and compassion and generosity, i felt this conference supported all beliefs, all hopes and gave HOPE to a world that is suffering. JOY is a discipline……how true. But when I make someone laugh, when i say good morning as i do my morning walks, i experience JOY. It is so easy…it costs nothing and it knows no color or race or religion. When my heart is open, we are connected. Thank you for this beautiful conference!
From Connecticut, of the United States: Sending a deep bow to all sentient beings, to the earth-world that sustains us, and wishing for all to hold joy our hearts.
Hello World! From western Michigan, USA! This summit has been soul-changing! I’ve learned that if I cultivate joy in my own life, using the tools and education I’ve experienced here, it will overflow to everyone around me! One person CAN change the world, one person at a time! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who created this experience! Sending out love from your friend, Norma Rose B.
The joy movie and all of the speakers from around the world have inspired me and given me hope and peace. Thank you for this joyful time in my life and in my week.
It is so incredibly beautiful to hear and watch the Ukranian and Polish children sing, dance and play, painting murals and joyously expressing themselves. I could feel their joy excitement every moment. It has helped heal my own growing up through WW2 in Austria. Thank you so much for sharing.
It’s been a joyful ride, have discovered many “new” speakers whose talks have resonated deeply. Yes, we are in this fabulous yet challenging adventure together, let’s strive to make it something worth celebrating for we’ve got what it takes… Onward!
This has been a fantastic experience for me. I am truly blessed. Thank you everyone.
I am so relieved to rediscover that altruism is still alive and well. Hugs to you all!
Why no Muslim scholars among the global joy summit
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who took part in this amazing Global Joy Summit.
Thank you for supporting each other, inspiring hope, joy and happiness through expressions of art, music and dance.
Arseny, your song is beautiful and I’m sure you will create many more songs with your artistic talent.
Many blessings, much love and lots of joy to EVERYONE.
Hi this is Mahesh from Southern part of India, Pls include Tamil language as well which is missing now, that will be helpful for a Tamilian like me in coming events. Thanks and I enjoyed all the events, remarkable.👍
This Global Joy Summit has been a wonderful experience for me, I particularly loved the Goodness Tour’s interactions with the brave and courageous people of the Ukraine and Poland, It brought tears and a sense of celebration for the deep reserves people carry inside themselves.
Blessings to all who have participated in this work.
So amazing ! Today, I am so happy because I participate this opportunity.
Muchisimas Gracias por el excelente conocimiento e información, acerca de las oportinidades para aprovechar nuestras Reservas de Alegria. Desde la Empatia y la Bondad es posible¡¡¡
I like the sessions, Joined from Tanzania
Am Joining from CROSS RIVER Nigeria Africa AM VERY HAPPY
I am deeply happy to have behe blessed people to have participated inn this enrichment program for our humanity. We need many more episodes of this kind of program. Joy and peace need to be natured on our lives, families and the global.
I am so happy u offer this series…in time of deep recovery from the the past two years.
Maria from Japan!
What brings me joy in.my relationship with others is the companionship caraderie with one another.as we spread the words of God in our daily activities.
Thank you for the opportunity to get a glimpse into the JOY being spread around the world!
Thank you very much. I’m delighted and with joy listening to all the inputs. Spreading the joy is one of our mission?
Benjamin & Luc such gratitude for spreading your joy & sharing it with the brave souls of Ukraine & Poland & to all the amazing souls for creating this awe inspiring JOY & wisdom that you shared in this summit & for showing up my heart can’t thank you enough! Many blessing to all ❤️
I am 82 and single but not alone. I was waiting for such a summit.My sincere gratitude to all of you who made it happen. I am happy and joyful beyond imagination.
We need to overcome the adversity and live our life the most simple way. It’s imperative that we heal ourselves so we can help our family, friends and everybody around us. Tanks a lot for this beautiful experience
আমি ভারতবর্ষের পশ্চিম বঙ্গের অধিবাসী। আমি সদ্য বিরাশি বছরে পদার্পণ করেছি। আমি অবিবাহিত কিন্তু নিঃসঙ্গ না। আমি এরকম একটি সামিটের অপেক্ষায় ছিলাম। আমার আন্তরিক কৃতজ্ঞতা জানাই সংগঠকদের। আমার খুশী ও আনন্দ বর্ণনার অতীত। আমার নাম সুধীন্দ্র লাল বিশ্বাস। শহর কলকাতা।
loved every bit of it. Thank you so much
I just joined now, but im so happy I found this event <3
Im from Denmark and Im creating a community where we practice to live from the heart and fill the day with joyfull moments <3
excellent opportunity to see the positive revealed within so much negative.. we see joy in the midst of a powerful war and so much more .. and I realize then how it is possible fr all of us to find it …
Im in the UK
Greetings from Arizona. Observing great listeners listening taught me a lot.
Hi from Sweden
I’ve watched the recordings of most of the three days and now on the fourth. My name is Pam and I’m in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. I am a retired nurse and have sung and danced in amateur theater and my worship communities all my life, 75yrs. I learned the Rumi poem “Dance” yesterday. I love it.
Thank you very much for this wonderful timely Summit of Hope and Joy. Blessings.
Muita emoção durante essa jornada de amor e esperança para vivermos num planeta mais harmonioso e solidário. Aprendi nessa jornada da alegria e da amorosidade, que um sorriso pode salvar pessoas e resgatar à sua humanidade. Estou feliz de estar aqui com vocês e celebrar à vida e o amor ! Gratidão!
Até breve!
Mais amor, mais esperanza! Brigado, Sandra! 🌺🇧🇷❤🇦🇷🌺
The Ukrainian children made flowers from holes made by their enemy. Publish that in Russia.
Inspired by the teachers Revealing the science about holding my own heart with the warmth of my own hands for self compassion.
From the joy of a babies giggle to the last glance coming from The death rattles – the life cycle provided opportunities to engage – now just a little more skillfully.
I’ve learnt joy is even more important than I thought. God bless all the good souls who help silently, restlessly, everywhere, everyday, to bring hope back. They are angels on earth! That guitarrist boy, with his smile and his cry, I can’t forget. A true symbol of resistance. Thank you for this chance to join and learn about joy, love and peace.
Thank you for all the facilitators and God blessed us all 🙏♥️
Let us continue to build our world with love and compassion 🌏🤝
I would like to have listened to the speakers but there was never a link to hear them!!
Hello, I’m from Latvia, and today we celebrate our country’s 104th birthday. What brings me joy, it’s when I’m able to serve my country, people and family. To now my purpose and to act according to it is another source of my joy. To learn how to make our lives better is the key good I received from the Joy Summit. I give all my best wishes to the organizers and the participants of this event. Good luck or – good joy!))
Hello, I’m from Latvia, and today we celebrate our country’s 104th birthday. What brings me joy, it’s when I’m able to serve my country, people and family. To now my purpose and to act according to it is another source of my joy. To learn how to make our lives better is the key good I received from the Joy Summit. I give all my best wishes to the organizers and the participants of this event. Good luck or – good joy!))
Wonderful and inspiring. Thank you all for making it happen.
Great intention and need of the hour .Being joyful and purposeful is our real purpose . And our deviation from this root understanding is the cause of sufferings and confusions. This summit is the sunshine and a great thought .
Hermoso Congreso de la alegría para homenajear la verdadera esencia de la vida amor y alegría.Muchas gracias por vuestra generosidad de recordarnos que la alegría siempre está presente junto a la tristeza.Un abrazo enorme y alegre de una cubana que vive en Galicia, España.
Hello from Australia. Thank you spreading the Joy & Hope xo
Una iniciativa estupenda. Todos los ponentes transmiten un arduo trabajo y reflexión sobre cómo vivir profundamente con la ligereza de la alegría
JOY wonderful❤️🌹🧡💜🌷💙🫂🙏💚🌈🌺🌷
As a 75 year old woman, studying Buddhism and compassion and generosity, i felt this conference supported all beliefs, all hopes and gave HOPE to a world that is suffering. JOY is a discipline……how true. But when I make someone laugh, when i say good morning as i do my morning walks, i experience JOY. It is so easy…it costs nothing and it knows no color or race or religion. When my heart is open, we are connected. Thank you for this beautiful conference!
From Connecticut, of the United States: Sending a deep bow to all sentient beings, to the earth-world that sustains us, and wishing for all to hold joy our hearts.
Hello World! From western Michigan, USA! This summit has been soul-changing! I’ve learned that if I cultivate joy in my own life, using the tools and education I’ve experienced here, it will overflow to everyone around me! One person CAN change the world, one person at a time! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who created this experience! Sending out love from your friend, Norma Rose B.
The joy movie and all of the speakers from around the world have inspired me and given me hope and peace. Thank you for this joyful time in my life and in my week.
Bless your project
It is so incredibly beautiful to hear and watch the Ukranian and Polish children sing, dance and play, painting murals and joyously expressing themselves. I could feel their joy excitement every moment. It has helped heal my own growing up through WW2 in Austria. Thank you so much for sharing.
It’s been a joyful ride, have discovered many “new” speakers whose talks have resonated deeply. Yes, we are in this fabulous yet challenging adventure together, let’s strive to make it something worth celebrating for we’ve got what it takes… Onward!